Thursday, 12 March 2015

How to lower blood pressure naturally?

High blood pressure or Hypertension can be controlled and to do this, you need to follow some things if you are actually looking for methods on how to lower blood pressure naturally. The very first thing you need to understand is you suffer from the problem of high blood pressure, when lot of pressure is available on your arteries. So, you should manage it, it will automatically provide your more benefits.

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Aerobic Exercise – Try to busy yourself in regular aerobic exercise, it will help you to make your heart stronger. A person with strong heart stays healthier in comparison to others, because of the proper flow of blood in all parts of body. A proper circulation of blood effectively surpasses the pressure on your arteries and hence, reduces the high blood pressure naturally. You are not required to perform heavy physical exertion, but yes, don’t forget to includes aerobic exercise and physical exercise in your daily schedule. Both will increase your heart rate.

The Aerobic exercise includes swimming; jogging, walking, cycling and you can also play some sports activities like volleyball, basketball or tennis. Such kind of activities are required to be a part of your daily activity and they should be in continues motion i.e.; most part of your body should run in synchronous direction. Try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise.

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Eat healthy fruits and vegetables – Consuming healthy fruits and vegetables regularly helps you to lessen your high blood pressure naturally. Fresh fruits and vegetables are highly enriched in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients. Fruits, which are highly recommended by health experts to lower your hypertension, are bananas, berries, melons, citrus fruits, avocados and prunes. And, vegetables recommended by health experts are celery, carrots, cauliflower, bitter gourd, tomatoes, broccoli, leafy green vegetables and cabbage.

Normal body weight – Always remember that the more you will be healthier, the more efforts will be required by your heart to pump blood. So, it’s quite necessary for you to control extra pounds your body carries and to reduce it to the normal body weight. Always ensure that your heart doesn’t effort much to pump blood vessels in your body.

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Abstain yourself from the intake of alcohol – It has been proven from recent studies that the intake of alcohol more than the recommended dosage i.e.; 3 units per day for males and 2 units per day for females, allows your body to increase blood pressure and to bring your heart under stress. Undoubtedly, there are several talks in medical field that the normal dosage of drinking alcohol everyday should increase. 

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But let’s talk about it clearly; if the consumption of alcohol increases the chances of high blood pressure after a small amount of consumption and drinking of alcohol is not a big problem, then why you should take the chances of increasing the limits? Until and unless you find guaranteed health benefits of increasing the normal dosage of alcohol, keep yourself away from drinking alcohol.

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The above listed methods are quite helpful and give positive result on how to lower blood pressure naturally. Follow them and live a longer life!

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