as we know, no one wants to look ugly. People do a lot of things like
use of harmful chemicals, creams and other market based products to make
their skin clear and beautiful. But, in the end, acne comes out again,
making them to look ugly again. Sometimes, it becomes quite frustrating
and annoying to treat acne. But now, you don’t have to worry anymore. We
come up with acne herbal cure treatment. This treatment is not based on market packed product, rather than they are based on using natural and herbal herbs.

are effective one and self tested method. You can make the use of them
without any worries and yes, the best thing about them is; they deliver
zero side effects to body.
Natural herbs to cure acne -
are various herbal remedies available at your home to cure acne or
pimple. We would like to tell you about few herbs, which can be used to
treat acne very well -

– Rub the affected area of your face with garlic several times a day.
It is quite helpful in heeling the acne fast and comfort your from pain
– The pulp of Aloe Vera is considered as an outstanding natural
treatment for acne. It acts as a skin cleanser and promotes healing.
Just split the Aloe Vera leaf into two parts and directly rub it on your
– Prepare a tea using Amaranth seeds and wash you face with it.
However, to make this kind of tea, you need to boil 3 cups of water, add
2 teaspoons of Amaranth tea and heat the mixture for nearly 4-5
minutes. Remove it from heat and mix 1 teaspoon of leaves and then, heat
for 30 minutes again. Your tea is ready!

– It is considered very valuable in Ayurvedic medicine because of its
anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. To treat acne,
you can have fresh 5 leaves everyday in the morning time. It will remove
the stubborn acne
- Wash your face and apply lemon juice on the affected area of your
skin with cotton ball. The acidic property of lemon will help you
eliminate all the pores and makes you too look beautiful. However, it
can use by another method i.e.; “steam clean”. Put your face over a pan
of boiling water and cover your head with towel to prevent the stream
from going out. It will loosen oil and dirt from your face. You can use
this method once in a week

– Prepare a tea using half teaspoons of coriander, cumin and fennel and
put it over hot water for 9-10 minutes. Once it is prepared, you can
drink it after the breakfast, lunch and dinner
Chickpea – Prepare
a paste of chickpea and wash your face with it. And then, dry your face
with towel. It is also considered as a good natural remedy for acne
To consider acne herbal cure treatment, you need to collect the natural herbs right at the moment if you are suffering from acne or pimples problem.
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