Is being intelligent is really important for your daily lifestyle?
Do you really need to be extra intelligent to come up with quick
decision? Undoubtedly, the answer to these questions will vary from one
person to other, but being an extra ordinary student with sharp mind
matters a lot especially in academic and social life. There are several ways to increase intelligence. Some of them are given below -

• Read books as much as you can -
Don’t limit the area of reading to your interest only. Try to enhance
it on a daily basis. Always try to grab some information about any
random topic; despite of being it is related to your field or not. This
strategy will help to strengthen your knowledge in your mind bank.
• Be creative - Being active and creative at your end in different aspect of life can also help to enhance intelligence.
It’s not at all difficult to achieve something as long as you are
putting all the efforts in it. If you are facing difficulty in
remembering names, try to recall those using creative ways. You can
either relate them with the name of places, things or anything else you

• Give some time to perform brain exercise -
While talking about brain exercise, you can do anything that requires
your brain powder such as solving puzzles, playing games etc. Doing so,
your IQ level will increase and hence, your intelligence will be
maintained in top notch condition.
• Read comprehensive and memorize -
Try to memorize the information you read from the books. Make sure that
you will be able to figure out the things even if the books are closer
or far away from you. And, if possible, try to recall the data again and
again and give enough of time to figure out what is exactly in the

• Eating healthy food -
Instead of preferring junk food, you need to train your mind and eat
healthy fruits and vegetables. You need to provide yourself proper
nutrition to enhance your mental capabilities. Always remember that the
more healthy food you will eat, the more power your brain will have.
Apart from this, you should have positive attitude towards your life.
Mark it as a point that whatever you have in your mind will tends you to
accomplish that.
• Meditation -
It has been proved that meditation not only provides benefits to your
physical body only, but also to your mind. It makes your IQ level
better, makes you to stay focused and improve memory capability. It
would be better if you start doing it now and include it in your daily
lifestyle to obtain the desired results at an earlier time than

Above listed things are almost all those things you do in your daily lifestyle without noticing. Giving attention to them can really help to increase intelligence.
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