Thursday, 20 August 2015

Homely tips that could lower down the high blood pressure naturally

hypertension or in other words it could also be called high blood pressure ---- trigger point for various associated problems for health prevaliels in all corners of the globe. And that too with similar visual effects like heart disease, stroke and also various other related diseases. To cure high blood pressure- one needs variety of medication . but the real happiness lies in natural remedies for high blood pressure as these do not leave ill effects over the body mechanism

natural remedies for high blood pressure keeps body mechanism overcome the situation in the body when pressure readings in the blood are raised over normal chart readings.

High blood pressure Symptoms

Factors that could be helpful in identifying the problem of hypertension( high blood pressure) are:

Body experiences fatigue
  • dizziness,
  • headache
  • confusion.
  • Breathing difficulty.
  • Pain in the chest
Causes of Hypertension
Some of the causes that could result in increasing the blood pressure readings are:
  • age factors.
  • Too much or excessive stress in the mind.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Sound factors.
  • Un-healthy diets.
Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure:
Let us now ake into notice some of my preferable home remedies that could reduce the already high blood pressure:

  • Down your Stress: take the graph of your stress to the lower side. And the easiest way to lower down the stress is to engage yourself in various activities. Consume your time by engaging yourself in various activities that could keep you busy.
  • Body line Activities: make your body habitual to activities that could put ceiling to your body weight as weight of the body when in excess is the real hero that could increase blood pressure.
  • More Fibers: I am an extreme lover of fibers in the food and fruits. Fibers are awesome for the body. Fibers take circular route in the body and flow with the blood. Fibers get attracted to the extra pressure and take it to the exit line.
  • Tobacco is Bad: tobacco is bad for the body. Few people might feel pleasure in smoking, but alert for cigrrate smokers “ smoking is injurious to health”. Smoking ups the blood pressure graph and allows it to higher scales. Quit or reduce smoking.
  • Vitamin B Helps: get help from vitamin B to bring blood pressure in normal ranges. Benefits of vitamin B could be taken from variety of vegetables and fruits available in the super market near your house.
  • Walk Extra: extra walking dose with more aggressiveness could lower pressure readings in the blood and help to overcome various diseases.
High blood pressure ----- real culprit for many of the diseases that float in the medical market. And to benefit from such a confusing state of mind, best is to adopt natural remedies for high blood pressure, so as to lead healthy life.

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